2019: Evaluation of the role of Civil Society in implementation of the SDGs in sustainable tourism development

Commissioned by Brot fuer die Welt

2019-now: Assessment of the possibilities of diversifying products and services in Coastal area of Lefkas, Greece

Own initiative

2017: Training-of Trainers for Responsible Tourism development in Myanmar

UNICEF/Myanmar responsible Tourism Institute

2017: Developing Life Cycle Impact assessment instruments for tourism

Own initiative

2017: A longitudinal and comparative research on responsible coastal tourism practices in four Mediterranean countries (2010-2022).

Own initiative

2017: Research on the Human Rights and social aspects of Agenda 2030 and the SDGs

Own initiative

2016-now: Assessment of the possibilities of diversifying products and services in Natural Park la Narbonnaise en Mediterranee

Own initiative

2016: Facilitating multiple stakeholders participation and launch of sustainable tourism project LCR in Mauritius

Commissioned by Association of Airline Ambassadors

2016: Research document on tourism and the SDGs

Commissioned by Brot für die Welt, Tourism Watch Germany

2016: Designing and Implementing Multi-stakeholder Sustainable Tourism strategy Dominican Republic

Commissioned by PLAN-RD/UNICEF

2016: Research for and editing input of UNICEF-NY for Global Study on SECTT

Commissioned by UNICEF-NY

2015-2016: Evaluation of the European Don't Look Away Campaign

Commissioned by ECPAT-France/Crul Consultancy

2011-2016: Multiple Trainings for stakeholders on sustainable tourism, CSR and multi-stakeholder processes in various countries

Commissioned by multiple partners
*Dominican Republic
*The Gambia

2010-2015: A number of monitoring and evaluations of partnerships between NGOs, industry and governments of the CSR instrument the

Commissioned by multiple partners *Dominican Republic
*The Gambia

2015: Evaluation of progress on Global Study on SECTT in Brazil

Commissioned by ECPAT-NL

2015: Evaluation of progress on Global Study on SECTT in Colombia

Commissioned by ECPAT-NL

2015: Developing a Multi-stakeholder Sustainable Tourism strategy on SECTT for PLAN Brazil

Commissioned by PLAN

2015: Developing a Multi-stakeholder Sustainable Tourism strategy on SECTT for PLAN Dominican Republic

Commissioned by PLAN

2015: Organizing a Multi-stakeholder Sustainable Tourism strategy on SECTT for CPA-The Gambia

Commissioned by DCI-NL

2015: Research on opportunities and threats for Local Code Representatives

Commissioned by Retour Foundation

2015: Evaluation of Tourism Child Protection Code signatories LCR Switzerland

Commissioned by Kinderschutz Schweiz

2015: Best practises of Tourism Child Protection Code implementation by the private sector

Commissioned by Fair Trade Tourism South Africa

2015: Research on innovations in business models in the tourism industry

Commissioned by ECPAT-NL

2015: Research on innovations in CSR and Human Rights approaches in tourism

Commissioned by ECPAT-NL

A more environmental friendly tourism in Lunigiana (Cinque Terre)

Own inititative

2014: Development of tourism infrastructure for the Via Francigena

Commissioned by Zangrandi Family

2014: Collection of case studies Tourism Child Protection Code implementation

Commissioned by Kinderschutz Schweiz

2014: Organizing Multi-stakeholder Sustainable Tourism strategy strategy for ECPAT Switzerland

Commissioned by Kinderschutz Schweiz

2014: Assisting restaurant La Cicala e la Formica in sustainability issues

Commissioned by La Cicala e la Formica

2014: Developing a sustainable business plan for the Mama Company

Commissioned by la Cicala e la Formica

2013: Research Do Not Look Away from SECTT for ECPAT Gambia

Commissioned by DCI-Netherlands

2013: Organising Tourism and Human Rights events at WSF in Tunis

Commissioned by Brot für die Welt

2011-2013: Advisor to and researcher for IOP-TOV Project Sustainable Innovation

Commissioned by Radboud University Nijmegen, Faculty of Management

2011: Assisting KUONI in a Multi-stakeholder Sustainable Tourism strategy on SECTT in Dominican Republic

Commissioned by KUONI

2011: Workshop on Human Rights in Tourism Business for IHRB London

Commissioned by Tourism Concern

1998-2001 and 2008-2011: Holiday Mirror, an internet-based information platform for all stakeholders in sustainable tourism

Commissioned (o.a.) by NCDO/SNV the Netherlands

2005-2007: Member of the international steering committee of the Tourism Child Protection Code

Commissioned by the Tourism Child Protection Code

2006: Implementing the Tourism Child Protection Code in the Gambia

Commissioned by ECPAT-NL

2005: Implementing the Tourism Child Protection Code in Kenya

Commissioned by ECPAT-Austria

2004: Implementing the Tourism Child Protection Code in Fortaleza, Brasil

Commissioned by ECPAT-INT, Bangkok, Thailand

2000-2004: ISOMET project Costa Rica, promoting PPP in protected areas in tourism

Commissioned by Dutch ministry of Foreign Affairs

2003: Workshop and article for Dynamic Knowledge Agenda for sustainable tourism

Commissioned by RMNO

2003: Implementing the Tourism Child Protection Code in Costa Rica

Commissioned by ECOOPERATION

2003: Organizing Ede conference on sustainable tourism

Commissioned by NCDO

2002: Input for and participation in UNEP/UNWTO Business, Industry and Agenda 21

Commissioned by NCDO

2002: Best Practices CD-ROM of the Sustainable Tourism Programme Costa Rica - The Netherlands (1994-2002)

Commissioned by ECOOPERATION

2001-2002: Advisor to the UNWTO/UNEP Preparation committee and speaker at World Ecotourism Summit in Quebec

Commissioned by NCDO

2001-2002: Preparation of the Dutch/EU participation in World Ecotourism Summit in Quebec

Commissioned by NCDO

2000-2002: Member of Technical committee for the Sustainable Tourism Development Programme of the Bilateral Agreement on Sustainable Development

Commissioned by ECOOPERATION

2001: Advisor to the research project Innovations in Tourism

Commissioned by Kees Waagmeester Implementation

1999-2001: Coordinator of NGO tourism committee for the UN-Commission on Sustainable Development

Commissioned by the NGO-CSD committee

1996-2001: Launch and coordination of The Tourism Child Protection Code, NL

Commissioned by multiple partners, a.o. EU DG XXIII and Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1995-2001: Coordination ECPAT-NL Campaign

Commissioned by Coalition of Dutch NGOs, Dutch Min. of Justice and Foreign Affairs

1989-2001: Tourism Advisor to ECPAT-International

Commissioned by Zentrum für Entwicklungsbezogene Bildung

1999-2000 Coordination European Luggage Tag Campaign against Child sex tourism

Commissioned by EU

1999: Member of the NGO delegation in the EU representation to the 1999 UN-CSD meeting in New York

Commissioned by NCDO

1999: Preparation of the NGO delegation in the EU representation to the 1999 UN-CSD meeting in New York

Commissioned by NCDO

1996: Preparation and coordination of the Dutch delegation to First World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Stockholm

Commissioned by NCDO

1996: Assessment of Eco-Tourism project for Responsible Tourism in the Waza Logone Project Area, Cameroun

Commissioned by SNV-Netherlands/IUCN

1995: Writing a Tourism Position for SNV, Netherlands Organisation for Development

Commissioned by SNV

1994: Preparation of a tourism program in Tanzania for Multatuli travel

Commissioned by Multatuli Travel

1994: Preparation visit His Royal Highness Prince Clause to Tanzania

Commissioned by SNV-Tanzania

1994: Assessment of tourism project for empowerment of Maasai youth and women in Loliondo, Tanzania

Commissioned by SNV-Netherlands

1992: Organization of and keynote address at first Dutch conference on sustainable certification in tourism

Commissioned by NCO

1991: Developing tourism marketing plans for national parks

Commissioned by Planresultancy

1991: Developing tourism marketing plans for Noordwijk

Commissioned by Planresultancy

1991: Developing tourism marketing plans for Katwijk

Commissioned by Planresultancy

1991: Developing tourism marketing plans for Scheveningen

Commissioned by Planresultancy

1991: Developing tourism marketing plan for Zuid Holland

Commissioned by Planresultancy

1986: Organization of the Dutch delegation to Tourism and Third World Peoples Bad Boll Conference

Commissioned by NCO